Monday, June 20, 2005

And, All Organic Milk is Not Equal....

I spend $80.00 a month on organic milk for my family, and have come to realize when I bought Horizon, since it is the cheapest, I was not buying milk where the cows are allowed to graze in pastures.

"It is our contention that you cannot milk 2000-6000 cows and offer them true access to pasture as required by the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990, the law that governs all domestic organic farming and food processing."

So it is not enough to just have a label "organic" on our milk, if the cows are not getting to pasture. Consumers need to be educated about brands. Organic Valley Co-op is the only brand (to my knowledge) currently available where the cows get the needed nutrients by grazing in open pastures. Now Kroger and Walmart, the two largest grocery chains in the country, don't even carry it.

Read the full article here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget about cheese.